[Chab Dai Cambodia wants to shout a 'THANKS SO MUCH' to Frida, our intern who has been working in our office for the last five months!! She has been influential in writing some of our blog posts, facilitating the "Paperless Child Protection Training", as well as coordinating volunteer requests.
And so, as Chab Dai gives one more round-of-thanks for Frida today, she passes on lessons she's learned & shares how others can volunteer too]

The summer is once again on its way and so is the high season of volunteering. During the last five months I’ve been volunteering through Chab Dai in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and now my time here is sadly coming to its end. It’s been a humbling, fun, exciting and challenging experience, but most of all it has been a time of learning and I hope as I’m leaving I will be able to carry with me everything Cambodia has taught me. I’ve got to know incredible people with great hearts, seen how different organizations work and learned what cultural sensitivity practically means.
Having grown from 12 member organizations to nearly 50 in Cambodia, Chab Dai has seen the emerging opportunity to connect passionate and talented volunteers with organizations needing assistance. The focus of our member projects varies from prevention and education to capacity building and aftercare. Volunteers usually come for a couple of months, but some stay for years. For volunteering to have a lasting impact and be sustainable we require a minimum stay of three weeks, but six months or more is even better.
If YOU want to volunteer and explore the possibilities in which you could join together with organizations already doing great work, here’s how you can apply:
Send an email to volunteer@chabdai.org with the following information:
- A completed Volunteer Application form
- Your CV/resume with three references
- A short introduction of yourself, and in what capacity you are hoping to volunteer
Chab Dai is committed to putting the safety of children first! Therefore, thorough background checks of all applicants are completed. Chab Dai and our members require all volunteers to undergo a criminal background check in their home country and sign a Child Protection Policy.
After you send us your documents we will assess them and process them if you are a good fit with our members’ projects. If so, we’ll send them your contact information. If an organization is interested in receiving you as a volunteer you will be contacted and the hunt for the cheapest flight ticket can begin!
When you consider volunteering, it’s good to think about your motives, your passion and your skill set.
And finally: “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow” – Anthony J D’Angelo