After an internship at World Vision, Muylen
joined Chab Dai in 2007, during her second year studying Accountancy at Phnom
Penh International University. She later gained her Masters of Finance from the
National University of Management, and quickly progressed from administrator to
director within 5 years, now responsible for the Finance department in Chab Dai
Coalition Cambodia, monitoring finances for Chab Dai overseas and overseeing
operations in the organization.
As the first woman in her family to attend
university, Muylen’s story is an encouraging one, though she told me this has
meant many challenges along the way:
“In Cambodian culture, as in many parts of
the world, men’s opinions are often respected more than women’s, whether they
are right or not. If women are strong, it is said that our head is ruled by our
heart, like we don't have respect. I feel like it is not appropriate for this attitude
in the workplace or in society. We need to respect each other’s opinions,
regardless of the person’s gender.”
“But I feel proud that I am the one
daughter in my family that has studied at university and I can live in Phnom
Penh by myself. Now I am confident about this and that's why I think women can
do anything they set their mind to.”
Signs of change in Cambodia
With or without Michelle Obama’s historical
visit (the only time an incumbent US First Lady has come to Cambodia), gender
is an issue firmly on the agenda in Cambodia right now and even in Muylen’s
home province of Kampong Thom, she sees signs of change:
“I think that, like with the Cambodia
culture, in my community they thought that if they talk about human trafficking
or rape, that is not a good word to say. Especially for the woman, they feel
shame or that it's not appropriate to talk about sexual matters.
But right now, it's not like that. Everybody
can say and can report, it's better than not saying, better to talk to the
police. Right now, we can talk about what is true.”
Muylen also spoke with great enthusiasm
about development agency The FIELD Collaborative's recent training program, 'The
Seeds of Leadership' which she attended in February 2015.
Over three days of training and dialogue,
'Seeds of Leadership' aimed to increase capacity-building amongst working women
in Cambodia through four tier focuses – self-improvement, leading a team,
influencing your organisation and training other leaders.
Speaking on the FIELD Collaborative blog,
Vice President Karen Petersen found much to inspire in the women who contribute
to today's Cambodian workforce:
‘In the bustling, often chaotic capital of
Phnom Penh, we are visiting several NGO’s to gain insight into the work they
are doing and meet with those who are bringing change to the gender imbalance
here. We have met wonderful, courageous women leaders who work in project
management, operations, finance, education, legal advocacy, social work and
to the future, Muylen’s thoughts are overwhelmingly positive, not only in working towards ending human trafficking, but for the future of women, equality and Cambodia.
“I have
never before experienced the joy and satisfaction that I now have in my work. I
am grateful that God has called me here, and I have great confidence in his
plan for my life. I think that I have a golden chance to serve God by helping
vulnerable women see that they have the same worth as men.”*
*(Taken from Orng. M., 'Washed Clean', Issue: Autumn 2013,
Mutuality magazine, Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE))
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